torsdag 30 oktober 2008

You've used up all your coupons

Henrik ska ha fest här när jag är i Stockholm. Mitt rum kommer bli helt trashat! Nu måste jag gå och sova ska upp tidigt imorgon och hämta ut pengar för helgen. Kommer bli så jävla kul! =D
Förresten så är klockan under inläggen helt jävla fel. Tiden just nu är 23:27.

Early. Way too Early.

There must be something wrong with me! I just woke up. Its freaking almost 16:00 and I just got up... I used to be the type of kid that always jumped up at six o clock in the morning and then ran downstairs and watched teletubbies. That of course was a few years back but still what the fuck went wrong? Now I always get up after two in the afternoon. Linda is seriously going to kill me. I told her I would call after lunch. I really really doubt that people still are eating at this time. HAHAHA I love this video!

onsdag 29 oktober 2008

That's not my name

Am getting really annoyed with my computer. It's refusing to print out my tickets for England. Sure I'm not going until December but its still annoying! Plus how the heck am I going to print out the tickets for the concert which is the day after tomorrow. Aaah I'll have to figure something out.
Tomorrow I'm going to fika with Linda which should be fun :D I kinda want to go see a film but yeah... until Friday I'm sorta broke :) Plus I think I've seen every new movie, apart from this documentary about orphanages which sounds depressing ;p Then on Friday there is the concert and then during the weekend I'm celebrating Petra's birthday... Ok.. SHIT, when the fuck am I going to do my homework hehe :p

Procrastinaters unite!... tomorrow

NOOOO! I just wrote this brilliant long entry and then it got DELETED! :O I am soo not writing it over again!
Basically I wrote how downloading music is awesome but that they almost never put up the real good songs. Take for example
The Chakras. I loove their music but can only listen to them on either youtube or myspace. It's ridiculous how songs like I'm Yours give you a million hits whilst the real good one's arent even put up! And its not as if you can buy the albums, the music stores in Uppsala dont even have KONK!? I mean... come ON! Well, I guess that's the price you have to pay for living here :p

A New Blog?

Thought I would try to make a new blog. This one's on a different website so I have no idea how to alter the design. Oh well, Ill figure it out soon :D Anyway the first entry on a blog is rarely any intresting so I might as well stop typing and try to find the publish button :D
...Which is right under this little box xD