onsdag 18 februari 2009

You Look Bloody Wonderful Tonight

Bin a while since I updated here. Nothing much to say, woke up early today cos I was gonna go to the twins house but it got cancelled so I'm stuck at home. Haha not surprising as I'm grounded after what happened last weekend. Anyway its alright being up this early, actually seeing the morning you know :P

Just going to sit here for a while listening to Spotify and chilling. Pity they dont have some of the bands I listen to but most of em are up here. Right now playing Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton. Never thought I could get so addicted to that song. Barbs played it for me a couple of days ago and since then its bin jammed.

Aaaah its farking lovely being awake this early! Not a soul is awake cept me. Only a couple of people online msn and its just so... peaceful. Wow look at me nattering on about souls and peace. Oooh now its First Love by The Maccabees. One of my alltime favorites actually. I've liked it for yeaaaars as opposed to Wonderful Tonight which I only heard properly a couple of days ago and it will prolly die a sudden death soon when I get sick of it xD

Gosh stupid bloody poker! I'm losing all me money! Whatever it just adds to the peacefulness of this morning :) I sound as if im high or something but I'm not just floating along with life. First love, last love, only love, its only love.

And now some of Herman's Hermits songs are playing. Yup listening to my sleep playlist haha. Gosh, I love the fact that nobody I know listen to any of the songs I listen to. Maybe some of the more known tracks by Arctic Monkeys etc but the old classics I can enjoy without the whole of Sweden nattering on about their goodness. This is a shitlong entry actually. Bloody impressive! Hahahahahaaahahahahahahaha. Oh btw, most awesome thing has happened. I've regained contact with the people from my old school in Britian. Which basically means that I now have more people to party with when I go there! Although the two groups of mates aint gonna fit together at ALL. Haha.

Anyway I reckon its time to stop writing now. Although winning a price for the most lenthly and rubbishy entry ever written is appealing I doubt my future self would appreciate it. Lol anyway cheerio.

måndag 9 februari 2009

What the heck happened

I dunno what the fuck happened to me haha XD I aint got no morals anymore! And I'm completely fucking fine with it. And I'm doing a bunch of crap stuff that aint good for me and not caring. You cant fucking take life seriously. Pity that a bunch of people are getting worried about me tho hehehehehehe :P

torsdag 5 februari 2009

I Love Money

I'm so flipping bloody pissed off. Just got home from P's house and wasnt planning on staying here long as I'm staying at Julia's house tonight, but of course shitloads of drama happens. Got in a big fight with my mum and she started on about how I have no soul and dont give a shit about other people. Whatever man her and my dad just piss me off, they're all about the money all the fucking time. Then she has the nerve to tell me I'm a spoiled brat. Well, of course I'm fucking spoiled. Maybe she should have thought of that before she sended me off to a big arse fancy school where the teachers spent all day sucking up to us. But thats not the worst fucking part. She then told me that she was sick of all my bullshit and so she's decided to sell the house in Blekinge just to show me. That house is my fucking sanctum. Its the one place where I can get away from all the money crap and just relax. And its right by the fucking sea as well.

I cant take this shit anymore. Honestly the only reason why I put up with it is cos I need the money (yaah, i really am fucking spoiled but who gives a shit) Basically I'm just gonna have to call my dad, tell him to buy the house in Blekinge from my mom and then get HIM to take care of my allowance. This is all fucking bullshit.

GOD, I need a fag so fucking badly I'm gonna go bloody MAD soon. But I dont have them. They're in school. AAAAAAAAAAAH, I'm literally shaking I need it so bad. FUCK. ... I NEED A FUCKING FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!