torsdag 5 februari 2009

I Love Money

I'm so flipping bloody pissed off. Just got home from P's house and wasnt planning on staying here long as I'm staying at Julia's house tonight, but of course shitloads of drama happens. Got in a big fight with my mum and she started on about how I have no soul and dont give a shit about other people. Whatever man her and my dad just piss me off, they're all about the money all the fucking time. Then she has the nerve to tell me I'm a spoiled brat. Well, of course I'm fucking spoiled. Maybe she should have thought of that before she sended me off to a big arse fancy school where the teachers spent all day sucking up to us. But thats not the worst fucking part. She then told me that she was sick of all my bullshit and so she's decided to sell the house in Blekinge just to show me. That house is my fucking sanctum. Its the one place where I can get away from all the money crap and just relax. And its right by the fucking sea as well.

I cant take this shit anymore. Honestly the only reason why I put up with it is cos I need the money (yaah, i really am fucking spoiled but who gives a shit) Basically I'm just gonna have to call my dad, tell him to buy the house in Blekinge from my mom and then get HIM to take care of my allowance. This is all fucking bullshit.

GOD, I need a fag so fucking badly I'm gonna go bloody MAD soon. But I dont have them. They're in school. AAAAAAAAAAAH, I'm literally shaking I need it so bad. FUCK. ... I NEED A FUCKING FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!