tisdag 14 april 2009

Suburban Days

Bio was cancelled so I got home early :D Love it, just going to chill with my sarnies and look up EE info. Really need to get working on it!

måndag 13 april 2009

Everyday I love you less and less

Fuck. My stupid lastfm account has gotten hacked and therefore I had to make a new one. Took bloody fucking forever to add all my artists. Hate when shit like this happens!
On a brighter note. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OOOH and my parents love meeeh. Hahahahahaha XD

Destiny is calling me

Great band. Just wish their lead singer didnt play Chuck Bass. Hate when bands get all mediahyped. I used to love Supermassive Black Hole. But now every Twilight fan "loooves" that song and they loove Muse. Which, I dunno sucks. Well, thankfully TFY's music is a bit too unique for that. Hopefully. So. Spring break is over. It was lovely.

onsdag 8 april 2009

You never were and you never will be mine

Have gotten into some kind of crazy routeine during this break. Wake up at around eleven-twelve, go outside, come home at like midnight. Problem is of course that that means that the only meal I eat is lunch before I go out. And then I spend the rest of the day eating at MCD. I swear I'm practically fucking broke right now, I've spent so much damn cash on food.

I freaking love the holidays. I swear I can't go back to school. Its too good not having to get up at seven o clock in the morning. I love it!! I only wish it wasnt over so soon :(. Have shitloads of plans for today but im contemplating just staying in. I dunno, I feel a bit tired and sick to be honest. Hehe, we'll see what happens. Adios!