onsdag 8 april 2009

You never were and you never will be mine

Have gotten into some kind of crazy routeine during this break. Wake up at around eleven-twelve, go outside, come home at like midnight. Problem is of course that that means that the only meal I eat is lunch before I go out. And then I spend the rest of the day eating at MCD. I swear I'm practically fucking broke right now, I've spent so much damn cash on food.

I freaking love the holidays. I swear I can't go back to school. Its too good not having to get up at seven o clock in the morning. I love it!! I only wish it wasnt over so soon :(. Have shitloads of plans for today but im contemplating just staying in. I dunno, I feel a bit tired and sick to be honest. Hehe, we'll see what happens. Adios!