lördag 31 januari 2009

Då när du kunde få mig hur lätt som helst.

Havent updated the blog for aaaages... But I havent bin home a single weekend so I havent bin able to. Had to stay home this weekend cos of the biology (SHIT!) test that we have on Wednesday. I am so extremely utterley fucked for it. Dont know shit. Which is why I am getting up at ten tomorow and studying all day. Until the evening when I've got a fika planned in.

These next couple of weeks are going to be crazy. Shit loads of parties and stuff planned. Not that the past weeks havent bin mad. So much fucking drama, you have to really step away from it all sometimes. There was a point this week when I just had to go to the quietest and calmest person I now and just sit down there. It's fucking insane what happens. Yaah not that its bad stuff its just too fucking much sometimes.

Now to the random picture at the top... A friend sent me a bunch of Håkan Hellström songs since I have complained a tad too much about the lamness of swedish music, so I listened to his songs. And whilst his voice is kinda good (if a bit gay sometimes) I just fell in LOVE with his hat. Its so Pete Doherty and Pete Doherty is well... extremely sexy haha :P Oh, but there was actually one song by HH that I liked and thats Jag Hatar Att Jag Älskar Dig. His voice is just perfect in it.

Anyway now I gotta get back to studying. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN!!!!

Oh and I have to find a job!!! I've worked out that I need 10,000 for this summer and as much as my parents love me they aint gonna pay that much for me to drink, party, travel England and go to festivals. Hahaha, me working.. HAHAHAHAHHAA.. Yaaah......