lördag 31 januari 2009

Då när du kunde få mig hur lätt som helst.

Havent updated the blog for aaaages... But I havent bin home a single weekend so I havent bin able to. Had to stay home this weekend cos of the biology (SHIT!) test that we have on Wednesday. I am so extremely utterley fucked for it. Dont know shit. Which is why I am getting up at ten tomorow and studying all day. Until the evening when I've got a fika planned in.

These next couple of weeks are going to be crazy. Shit loads of parties and stuff planned. Not that the past weeks havent bin mad. So much fucking drama, you have to really step away from it all sometimes. There was a point this week when I just had to go to the quietest and calmest person I now and just sit down there. It's fucking insane what happens. Yaah not that its bad stuff its just too fucking much sometimes.

Now to the random picture at the top... A friend sent me a bunch of Håkan Hellström songs since I have complained a tad too much about the lamness of swedish music, so I listened to his songs. And whilst his voice is kinda good (if a bit gay sometimes) I just fell in LOVE with his hat. Its so Pete Doherty and Pete Doherty is well... extremely sexy haha :P Oh, but there was actually one song by HH that I liked and thats Jag Hatar Att Jag Älskar Dig. His voice is just perfect in it.

Anyway now I gotta get back to studying. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN!!!!

Oh and I have to find a job!!! I've worked out that I need 10,000 for this summer and as much as my parents love me they aint gonna pay that much for me to drink, party, travel England and go to festivals. Hahaha, me working.. HAHAHAHAHHAA.. Yaaah......

lördag 10 januari 2009

I want to be faithful but I cant keep my hands out of the cookie jar

Give me them bright lights. Hello. Just woke up haha xD Was going to sleepover in Knivsta today but I woke up to late hehe XD Yesterday was freking hilarious. We went shopping and then ate at McDonalds. Ten people in one small restaurant HAHAH. We were much loved. This weekend is not going to be fun. Math portfolio to be finished. Bläääää :( Oh and next weekend I totally forget that my dad is coming to Sweden a.k.a I can say goodbye to fun thingy next weekend!!!! Or I just tell him I cant come haha xD Now I'm going to watch Never Mind The Buzzcocks. So goodbye.

fredag 9 januari 2009

I feel on top of the world

I'm kicking myself in the arse right now. I'm honestly never leaving anything to the last day anymore! It's fucking three in the night and the deadline is like five hours away. I'm going to be up all fucking night. Am tempted to get the vodka bottle left from the last party and just get pissed. Maybe then I wont care anymore that my portfolio is utter fucking crap.

torsdag 8 januari 2009

Its moving along. Slowly but bloody surely.

Orlando has now taken over from Morrissey in my iTunes libary. There voices are seriously helping me. I'm almost halfway done. Oooh and we just thought up best plans for next weekend. Total SATC marathon with facials and stuff like that. Can't bloody wait! Now. More math :D... and msn ahahhaa xD But i deserve it! Havent bin online for yonks!

You cant ever be my number one.

I am a brilliant procrastinator. I have a big math p-ortfolio for tomorrow which I havent even farking started. Cos honestly who the fuck is going to sit on the xmas break and work math!? Not me anyway. Even tho I'm paying the price BIG time for it now haha :P But I dont regret it, cant really be bothered to care. I know I'll do awesomelly anyway. HAHAHAHA. I'm right now downloading photoshop cos I'm bored and want to edit some photos. For FUCKS SAKE.. math p-ortfolio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooo... today was intresting. We had T.O.K and for once we werent discussing boring shit like music so I actually thought I might you know... try and be active for once. So. I did. I mean there are basically three lessons that I dont give shit about (aka I either act like an idiot through them or I just sleep) and thats swedish, english and T.O.K. But you know what its a new year = new start = no sleeping in T.O.K this week! :D But seriously I wish I hadnt cos I just ended up getting pissed off with people's stupid fucking opinions. Specially one issue which totally hit me. We were talking about this couple. Both called some fag arse name which I dont know. Lets call them Lala and Pogo. So yeah, Pogo the dude was cheating on Lala with a married women and lied about it when Lala asked him. Question: was this an ok thing to do. What THE fuck of course not!! I mean what the hell is the point of getting in a fucking relationship if you cant stick to that one women. Thats why you date or just hook up! No fucking strings attached. But if you've freaking commited to someone you dont go around cheating. GAAAH!

That is exactly why I nowadays stay away from relationships and just date and stuff like that. Cos its too fucking hard to stick with one guy. Too many temptations that I cant resist haha XD But I KNOW that about myself and so I dont commit to one guy anymore. But if I did I bloody well wouldnt cheat! Cos then there is no farking point of being in a relationship. And I know I shouldnt be effing talking since I'm not always a completely freaking angel. People make mistakes but to lie about it later is just fucking stupid.

Nah, thats why relationships arent that great. People get to freaking CLINGY which is a bloody pain in the arse after a while. Even though its nice in the start it always ends completely fucked. I think I have contact with ONE guy that I've gotten serious with, the rest I compleley ignore. But just freaking STAY away from relationships if you cant keep your trousers in check :P And I shouldnt completely overreact about this and write a whole freaking entry about it when I've got work to do but I've had too many friends get tricked by arseholes that cheat on them with everything and everybody and cleaning up the mess these guys leave behind is just not a fucking dance on roses.

onsdag 7 januari 2009

Strain this chaos turn it into light. I've got to see you one last night

Quite forgot about this blog lol. Anyway I'm back in Sweden. Miss England a bit tho, it twas completely fucking ace there haha xD We had THE most brilliant New Years Party ever even tho I got a bit pissed. Next time I'll take it a bit easy with the vodka shots haha xP Although I've been saying that for years and I still can't seem to control it. Anyway Sweden seems a bit dull compared. Went shopping with some people today and there was barely any people about! Bit of a difference to the UK where the shops were so crowded that there was an effing LINE to go down the escalator!

So tomorrow is school.
Completely stoked about it actually. HAHAHHA, or NOT! I mean I dont mind the people but just cant be bothered to start working again. I like living the good life too much. Aah well its my bday on Monday so thats something to look forward to and dad's coming for a bit next week! :D HAHA, its so funny cos everytime he and the rest are here they always complain about how boring Sweden is compared to England and that everyone here is so fucking mellow and non-exciting and its just like NOW you get what I always am complaining about haha xD Naaah Sweden's alright haha :P

Oooh and me and some folks have got THE best summer plans ever!! We're planning on staying in England for a few weeks in the summer partying, having bonfires on the beach and of course meeting hot british lads ;) HAHAHAHAHAHA! Its gonna be ace. We'll stay a few days at my dad's house and then travel all around England staying in cottages and family houses. Prolly try surfing as well! I've got to work up a few quid first tho hehe xD And until then I've got a few good concerts to look forward to. I'm determined to make this year the best yet! And.. now I have to work some fuckin math.

tisdag 6 januari 2009

I'm back in Sweden

Lots to write about. But I got to go somewhere so um let me just say that The Boxer Rebellion are ruddy brilliant.

lördag 3 januari 2009

Finding out what you're called and repeating your name

I love this country. I really fucking love it. Dont want to go back to Sweden.