torsdag 8 januari 2009

You cant ever be my number one.

I am a brilliant procrastinator. I have a big math p-ortfolio for tomorrow which I havent even farking started. Cos honestly who the fuck is going to sit on the xmas break and work math!? Not me anyway. Even tho I'm paying the price BIG time for it now haha :P But I dont regret it, cant really be bothered to care. I know I'll do awesomelly anyway. HAHAHAHA. I'm right now downloading photoshop cos I'm bored and want to edit some photos. For FUCKS SAKE.. math p-ortfolio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooo... today was intresting. We had T.O.K and for once we werent discussing boring shit like music so I actually thought I might you know... try and be active for once. So. I did. I mean there are basically three lessons that I dont give shit about (aka I either act like an idiot through them or I just sleep) and thats swedish, english and T.O.K. But you know what its a new year = new start = no sleeping in T.O.K this week! :D But seriously I wish I hadnt cos I just ended up getting pissed off with people's stupid fucking opinions. Specially one issue which totally hit me. We were talking about this couple. Both called some fag arse name which I dont know. Lets call them Lala and Pogo. So yeah, Pogo the dude was cheating on Lala with a married women and lied about it when Lala asked him. Question: was this an ok thing to do. What THE fuck of course not!! I mean what the hell is the point of getting in a fucking relationship if you cant stick to that one women. Thats why you date or just hook up! No fucking strings attached. But if you've freaking commited to someone you dont go around cheating. GAAAH!

That is exactly why I nowadays stay away from relationships and just date and stuff like that. Cos its too fucking hard to stick with one guy. Too many temptations that I cant resist haha XD But I KNOW that about myself and so I dont commit to one guy anymore. But if I did I bloody well wouldnt cheat! Cos then there is no farking point of being in a relationship. And I know I shouldnt be effing talking since I'm not always a completely freaking angel. People make mistakes but to lie about it later is just fucking stupid.

Nah, thats why relationships arent that great. People get to freaking CLINGY which is a bloody pain in the arse after a while. Even though its nice in the start it always ends completely fucked. I think I have contact with ONE guy that I've gotten serious with, the rest I compleley ignore. But just freaking STAY away from relationships if you cant keep your trousers in check :P And I shouldnt completely overreact about this and write a whole freaking entry about it when I've got work to do but I've had too many friends get tricked by arseholes that cheat on them with everything and everybody and cleaning up the mess these guys leave behind is just not a fucking dance on roses.