onsdag 7 januari 2009

Strain this chaos turn it into light. I've got to see you one last night

Quite forgot about this blog lol. Anyway I'm back in Sweden. Miss England a bit tho, it twas completely fucking ace there haha xD We had THE most brilliant New Years Party ever even tho I got a bit pissed. Next time I'll take it a bit easy with the vodka shots haha xP Although I've been saying that for years and I still can't seem to control it. Anyway Sweden seems a bit dull compared. Went shopping with some people today and there was barely any people about! Bit of a difference to the UK where the shops were so crowded that there was an effing LINE to go down the escalator!

So tomorrow is school.
Completely stoked about it actually. HAHAHHA, or NOT! I mean I dont mind the people but just cant be bothered to start working again. I like living the good life too much. Aah well its my bday on Monday so thats something to look forward to and dad's coming for a bit next week! :D HAHA, its so funny cos everytime he and the rest are here they always complain about how boring Sweden is compared to England and that everyone here is so fucking mellow and non-exciting and its just like NOW you get what I always am complaining about haha xD Naaah Sweden's alright haha :P

Oooh and me and some folks have got THE best summer plans ever!! We're planning on staying in England for a few weeks in the summer partying, having bonfires on the beach and of course meeting hot british lads ;) HAHAHAHAHAHA! Its gonna be ace. We'll stay a few days at my dad's house and then travel all around England staying in cottages and family houses. Prolly try surfing as well! I've got to work up a few quid first tho hehe xD And until then I've got a few good concerts to look forward to. I'm determined to make this year the best yet! And.. now I have to work some fuckin math.