lördag 28 mars 2009

I love you. You love me. We be one big family.

Kom nyss hem för första gången på två dagar. Tiiiired.. But am going out again. Now. Shit. Stress. Adieu

onsdag 25 mars 2009

A rollarcoaster built to crash. But, you're the one i want.

AWESOME! :D Life is too short too spend sad. So i'm myself again haha XD I really want to erase the entries before this one but I am awesome. So I wont. Hahaha no but I cant always be happy ennnniiiit. Yap.. BAAAAAAACK TOOOO WOOOORK!!!!!!!!!! :P HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA. And no I am completely sober.. hihihihihihihi ;D

Hahah dad actually asked me today like: "Were u sober when u wrote me that email?" and im just like "no im just a lil bit crazy" xD

tisdag 24 mars 2009

There's just too much that time cannot erase

He just doesnt get it. He doesnt fucking understand me. Gaah. Have labreport + bio quiz tomorrow and I'm only starting now. Was talking to my dad for hours. As usual... he just doesnt understand me. The fucking pressure he puts on me. How everything I want for the future isnt good enough. How everything thats important to me is lost on him. Man. This week has been utter shit.

måndag 23 mars 2009

I dont belive that anybody feels the way I do about you now


Eeeeh. Yap. Having a bit of issues with my IOP.
Its honestly killing me. Cant take it anymore. Spent some many hours staring at the screen and not getting bloody anywhere. Feel so fucking sick of it all. I mean I'm the happiest person I know yet lately I've just been in an effing bad mood. It's not like I mope around and shit. I mean I may not be the happiest I've ever been right now but I'm sure as fuck no emo yet. Just tired. And not in the mood for fakeness. Honestly people can be total fucking arseholes. And it just wears you out after a bit.

Enough grumbling and stuff. A bright side. Went to see Franz this weekend. And damn. They were brilliant live. Loved the whole set. Amazing song choices. Basically all their classics + the new tunes. Loved it. Made my bloody month. Now I've gotta get back to my fucking IOP.

söndag 22 mars 2009

Mr Brightside

Think this weekend has made me sick. On Friday I got drunk. On Saturday I danced without water non-stop for three hours. And on Sunday I woke up and walked my friend to the busstop in the blistering cold with barely anything on. Fuck. I hate being sick.

Think this weekend has made me bitter as well. It was so epic and now I'm tired and sick. And that makes me pissed. And I tend to look at life from the bright side but now I am just pissed and tired and sick and I hate feelings and shit. Cant write anymore. I'm just pissed and tired and sick and hating feelings and shit and cant be bothered to write a happy entry. Back to my stupid fucking presentation.

tisdag 17 mars 2009

What you waiting for? Haha first I wrote shat hahahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaha XD

Eeeeh maybe going to England in two weeks. Eeeh oook???? Wow sometimes my dad's just too bloody impulsive. And yeah im writing without capital letters and all that. But cant be arsed. am so flipping hyper. But i should study..... Eeeeeeeeeh. And haha. Lifes just funny tho init. I mean .. its just funny. How things cock up but then uncock up hahahhahahaha XD Whatever dunno what im trying to say. Aint making sense. Bad grammer, bad langauge. Haha. Eeh. Yaap. Oh oh ooooh im getting money. I love money. And in like however many days it is till saturday im gonna see Franz Ferdinand live. Love it. Shit. i hope noone ever reads this blog they'll think im mental. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Update: Wow I'm seriously fucked up. I had to go back to this entry and add capital letters, it just looked so unproper haha. I suck :P

söndag 15 mars 2009

Fucking bloody shit :O

I am officially addicted to tetris. :O :O Came home bloody well two hours ago and have played non-stop... :O

torsdag 12 mars 2009

Chasing Pavements

Late nights.

lördag 7 mars 2009

Burning through my darkest nights. You're the only one that I want. Think I'm addicted to your light. I swore I'd never fall again

Tired... Have a maths test on Monday which is gonna go to hell. Havent studied anything and have spent the whole day sleeping, catching up on a week without sleep. Party was alright. Bit weird tho, random things kept happening. Such as M getting together with J (?) Like whuuuut? What started out as a party hook-up turned into the cutest relationship lol. So many flipping couples in out grade right now haha. Very cute tho. Eeehm. What else.... Well the Franz Ferdinand concert is in two weeks so that'll be great....Eeeh... Yap....Oh and its kinda cool cos the dudes whose apartment we crashed and partied in will be there so we'll get to see em again which will be fun :) (also, gives us a chance to apologize for trashing the place a lil bit)

Hahaha M just called and was gushing on about J. Ended up talking to her for hours. They are so bloody fucking cute! Naaaaw! So much cuteness around me hahaha. Gotta go now tho. Cheerio!

torsdag 5 mars 2009

I can see your halo

Hello (...lamest beginning ever). Studying for the chem test tomorrow.... Very extremely fun. Was on the phone with M for a while so lost tons of valuable studying time (plus we went to MCD after school) AARGH im so fucking bloody tired!!! There is a party thingy tomorrow but I'm not sure I wanna go. I mean I have to go cos I've bloody promised everyone but I just... dont feel up for it. Just want to stay home and chill and bit. Gosh. I havent chilled properly for well long. Wow this is a lively entry. Whatever gonna go back to the world of moles (fuck, fuck, fuck)