tisdag 17 mars 2009

What you waiting for? Haha first I wrote shat hahahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaha XD

Eeeeh maybe going to England in two weeks. Eeeh oook???? Wow sometimes my dad's just too bloody impulsive. And yeah im writing without capital letters and all that. But cant be arsed. am so flipping hyper. But i should study..... Eeeeeeeeeh. And haha. Lifes just funny tho init. I mean .. its just funny. How things cock up but then uncock up hahahhahahaha XD Whatever dunno what im trying to say. Aint making sense. Bad grammer, bad langauge. Haha. Eeh. Yaap. Oh oh ooooh im getting money. I love money. And in like however many days it is till saturday im gonna see Franz Ferdinand live. Love it. Shit. i hope noone ever reads this blog they'll think im mental. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Update: Wow I'm seriously fucked up. I had to go back to this entry and add capital letters, it just looked so unproper haha. I suck :P