lördag 7 mars 2009

Burning through my darkest nights. You're the only one that I want. Think I'm addicted to your light. I swore I'd never fall again

Tired... Have a maths test on Monday which is gonna go to hell. Havent studied anything and have spent the whole day sleeping, catching up on a week without sleep. Party was alright. Bit weird tho, random things kept happening. Such as M getting together with J (?) Like whuuuut? What started out as a party hook-up turned into the cutest relationship lol. So many flipping couples in out grade right now haha. Very cute tho. Eeehm. What else.... Well the Franz Ferdinand concert is in two weeks so that'll be great....Eeeh... Yap....Oh and its kinda cool cos the dudes whose apartment we crashed and partied in will be there so we'll get to see em again which will be fun :) (also, gives us a chance to apologize for trashing the place a lil bit)

Hahaha M just called and was gushing on about J. Ended up talking to her for hours. They are so bloody fucking cute! Naaaaw! So much cuteness around me hahaha. Gotta go now tho. Cheerio!