söndag 13 september 2009

Vlad the Impaler

Listenin to Kasabian. Sitting on a train, far faar away from town. Maybe I'll be back for school tomorrow maybe I wont. Anyway listening through Spotify and am almost collapsing. Crazy amount of new albums have been released this year! Too much that I want to hear! Arrgh, why dont they spread it out more lol. Theres:
- The Twang's new album - extremely good, little different to their previous style, more slow songs and not so many hyper "festivalish" songs.
- Kasabian's new insanley long name album - also goooood, havent listened to it enough to properly determine.
- The Rumble Strips! - FINALLY they released their new album. And its briiilliant.
- Jack Penate - Like it more than the first album actually, tis really fucking amazing.
- Jamie T - love the first song and sticks and stones aaand hocus pocus, havent heard the others enough to base opinion about them but it all sounds pretty damn good.
- Chairlift - had never heard em before but a friend recommended them and they're goooood.
- The Maccabees - love love love it.
- Empire Of The Sun - masterpiece.
- The Cribs - just noticed a few minutes ago that there new album was out so havent listened to it at all

Cant remember anymore now, but yeah they all are fucking delicious. None were really a disappointment. Now if only The Wombats could release another fucking album sometime soon?? OMFG just saw that Arctic Monkeys has released another album!! Gonna listen to it nooooow! WOOOOHOOOO! Hahahahaha, anyway back to the train.

Update: Lol, now realised that Muse has their new album up as well. Ok cant keep updating this shiz. Basically a fuckload of fuckers have released new albums. And they are all bonking greaat! Hahahaha!