lördag 26 september 2009

We are always running for the thrill of it.

Have become just a teensy fucking bit obssessed with Walking On A Dream which is the brilliant album from Empire Of The Sun. Somehow I just cant stop playing it. That and Uprising from Muse which is a job well done. I sound like a complete stupid fuckface but I'm tired as hell. Just came home for the first time since Wednesday. All makes a pot of tiredness. A pot? See, its like I'm just typing gulasch right now. Anyway yesterday was nice. Movie night with the girls. Tempting smell of rum, wacked out movies with not a single hottie and a whole lot of planning. One of us is turning 18 in a few weeks and it has to be bloody extreme. Although now, we are leaning on a dinner as getting my mum to vacate the house = mission fucking impossible. Anyway, we'll see what happens. Just felt like writing some shit. (we are the people that rule the world (L)) Life's pretty mellow right now, not much going on. Have to do a fuckload of studying all the farking time which is just g.r.e.a.t. Nah, I had my break, but now studying it is. Other then that summer is officially over. Summer romances have been cut off completely and its time to enter the winter. Hahahahah, trying to sound poetic makes me sound like a deranged 40+ woman trying to lure men into her web by placing out ads in the paper and trying to sound clever. And by 40+ I mean 90+. Lol anyway gotta go work work. Ciao lil fuckers.

söndag 13 september 2009

Vlad the Impaler

Listenin to Kasabian. Sitting on a train, far faar away from town. Maybe I'll be back for school tomorrow maybe I wont. Anyway listening through Spotify and am almost collapsing. Crazy amount of new albums have been released this year! Too much that I want to hear! Arrgh, why dont they spread it out more lol. Theres:
- The Twang's new album - extremely good, little different to their previous style, more slow songs and not so many hyper "festivalish" songs.
- Kasabian's new insanley long name album - also goooood, havent listened to it enough to properly determine.
- The Rumble Strips! - FINALLY they released their new album. And its briiilliant.
- Jack Penate - Like it more than the first album actually, tis really fucking amazing.
- Jamie T - love the first song and sticks and stones aaand hocus pocus, havent heard the others enough to base opinion about them but it all sounds pretty damn good.
- Chairlift - had never heard em before but a friend recommended them and they're goooood.
- The Maccabees - love love love it.
- Empire Of The Sun - masterpiece.
- The Cribs - just noticed a few minutes ago that there new album was out so havent listened to it at all

Cant remember anymore now, but yeah they all are fucking delicious. None were really a disappointment. Now if only The Wombats could release another fucking album sometime soon?? OMFG just saw that Arctic Monkeys has released another album!! Gonna listen to it nooooow! WOOOOHOOOO! Hahahahaha, anyway back to the train.

Update: Lol, now realised that Muse has their new album up as well. Ok cant keep updating this shiz. Basically a fuckload of fuckers have released new albums. And they are all bonking greaat! Hahahaha!

söndag 6 september 2009

Breaking my back just to know your name

Sick... Not fun, have spent the whole weekend drooling and being forced to turn down awesome plans. Am sure as hell not going to school tomorrow plus have got that stupid essay to write and aint even started. Shiz, anyway listening to The Killers and life is good.

Btw... Peter Doherty is honestly the sexiest fucking man ever.

Aaaah love the hat, and the fag and his general it factor.

Love the necklace and the skinny drug vibe he has. My favorite type of guy has always been the indie loving, drug abusing, fag smoking, skinny kind of guy. Aoooa yes :)

tisdag 1 september 2009

Eeeee AAA.. EEEhhhh AAAAAReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

Havent updated here for ages. And aint plannin on it either, just got challenged (-.-) to fill this stupid list in by a amigo and if I dont do it, I'm a superfat pig... Yeeeeah. (you annoying freak! <3) Aight, hate this kind of bull, but here I gooo....

Gjorde du något i sommar som du aldrig gjort förr? Are u kidding me? This fucking list is in SWEDISH? Alright.. Ööh, jag gjorde många saker jag aldrig gjort förut haha. Som att till exempel:
- Däcka av för mycket Tequila
- Blev hög och trodde att jag var med i en skräckfilm och att T var en monster (han uppskattade det inte..)
- Sedan så har jag festat like a crazy woman, dansat på bardiskar, åkt hem med främlingar, done crazy shiz, flygat över hela Europa ensam med kompisar och TYP BLABLABLA.
Dog någon som stod dig nära? Neeeeej? Tror inte det. Eller jo, Max måste ha dött. ENDA orsaken till att vara så fettig seg med att höra av sig. Skitunge.
Vilka länder besökte du? Oh god... För många. Neemen typ; Tyskland, Sverige (HAHAH), England, Belgien, Dutcholando... AAAh kommer inte ihåg flera :O Jag var ju ganska borta i rätt många av länderna vi chillade i.
Är det något du saknar sommaren 2009 som du vill ha sommaren 2010? Fan nej. Bästa sommaren ever. Kanske att jag tar det lite lugnare med spriten. (ornot)
Vilket datum från sommaren 2009 kommer du alltid att minnas? När den började - Till när den slutade. HAHAH, ne jag är liksom inge bra på datum. No koll.
Största misstaget? Att falla lite för hårt för någon som bor 9 timmar bort.
Har du varit sjuk eller skadat dig? Jooo, det blev rätt många fylleaccidents. Kom hem och hade fullt med blåmärken. Sedan så var jag också förkyld i några dagar (oh gooood SWINEFLU?! hahahaaaaaa)
Bästa köpet? Det blå linnet som åkte ner hela tiden vilket gjorde att jag skämde ut mig infront of a whole club. Not.
Vad spenderade du mest pengar på? Alkohol.
Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad? Jaa alla fucking underbara människor jag träffade. Och sen så något som vissa av mina sötnosar sa.
Vilka låtar kommer alltid påminna dig om sommaren 2009? Fairytale (HAHAH), Pitbull - You know I want cha, Rap Das Armas - Cidinho & Doca
Var du gladare eller ledsnare i sommar jämfört med tidigare somrar? Meh. Glad.. Fucking hell hur kan man INTE var glad när man får experinca allt jag fick.
Vad önskar du att du gjort mer den här sommaren? ...?
Vad önskar du att du gjort mindre? Kanske att jag hade liiiite tid till mig själv. Var ju med kompisar hela tiden och hade inte riktigt tid att plugga (extended essay....) eller typ bara vara.
Hur tillbringade du midsommarafton? Minns inte? Det var typ några dagar innan jag skulle åka.. Men nope, ingen aning.
Blev du kär i sommar? Ja.
Hur många killar var du med? Vadå "var med" hahaha, nee men träffade 3 som jag hade känslor för and they had känslor back woooot! Hahaa och typ 100000 som jag INTE hade känslor för.
Favoritprogram på tv? Hade fan inte tid att titta på tv.
Bästa boken du läste i sommar? Aaaa, jo på festivalen så satt jag och läste lite i Doktor Glas. I loooved it!!! :D (ironi <3)
Största musikaliska upptäckten? I KNOW YA WANT ME! Hahaha, neee... KINGS OF LEON såklart. Upptäckte my babes.
Sommarens sötaste? Mina underbara kompisar.
Sommarens hetaste? Max, Emil och typ... några till. Svär dom såg ut som GUDAR. Hahaa
Sommarens största kärlek? ... Han som nämns överst.

Okey... Och nej jag raderade inte typ hundra frågor....

söndag 28 juni 2009

I see your looking at me. Everybody can see, why dont you do somethin. Too late, you shouldnt have thought for one second that I would wait for you

A little sad that I'm leaving tomorrow. I've never been this excited, happy and I've certainly never had so little control of something as I do now. I'm listening to songs I've never listened to and they are corny and I completely UNDERSTAND them. I never knew it could feel so amazing. And how lying with someones arms around you can just make you feel like your in the safest most secure place possible. And how something as simple as a hug can be so hard to step away from. I should be packing right now but I'm just sitting here with a big smile on my face. A little sad that I won't be back until August but I'll manage.


tisdag 14 april 2009

Suburban Days

Bio was cancelled so I got home early :D Love it, just going to chill with my sarnies and look up EE info. Really need to get working on it!

måndag 13 april 2009

Everyday I love you less and less

Fuck. My stupid lastfm account has gotten hacked and therefore I had to make a new one. Took bloody fucking forever to add all my artists. Hate when shit like this happens!
On a brighter note. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OOOH and my parents love meeeh. Hahahahahaha XD

Destiny is calling me

Great band. Just wish their lead singer didnt play Chuck Bass. Hate when bands get all mediahyped. I used to love Supermassive Black Hole. But now every Twilight fan "loooves" that song and they loove Muse. Which, I dunno sucks. Well, thankfully TFY's music is a bit too unique for that. Hopefully. So. Spring break is over. It was lovely.

onsdag 8 april 2009

You never were and you never will be mine

Have gotten into some kind of crazy routeine during this break. Wake up at around eleven-twelve, go outside, come home at like midnight. Problem is of course that that means that the only meal I eat is lunch before I go out. And then I spend the rest of the day eating at MCD. I swear I'm practically fucking broke right now, I've spent so much damn cash on food.

I freaking love the holidays. I swear I can't go back to school. Its too good not having to get up at seven o clock in the morning. I love it!! I only wish it wasnt over so soon :(. Have shitloads of plans for today but im contemplating just staying in. I dunno, I feel a bit tired and sick to be honest. Hehe, we'll see what happens. Adios!

lördag 28 mars 2009

I love you. You love me. We be one big family.

Kom nyss hem för första gången på två dagar. Tiiiired.. But am going out again. Now. Shit. Stress. Adieu