onsdag 26 november 2008

How does that person just make me want to blow something up *angry*

OBS: This was written in a fucking-sick-of-math mode.
Honestly do you know what pisses me off. When somebody thinks that they GET you. As in they think that they've figured you out. Basically because thats an utter pile of rubbish. Maybe that person should take their head out of their largely shitfilled arse and actually notice something clever once in a while. I mean... for the LOVE OF GOD! When someone is told their whole life that they need to be more serious and stop joking around and then BAM, is told by some "random" dude that they need to joke a bit more, then just ARGH! I dont fucking care if anyone reads this, it just pisses me off. And I dont usually get pissed off. Just people thinking they've sussed me out when all they've sussed out is a pile of shit make me mad. Oh and another thing maybe the reason I act serious around somebody (and yeah it doesnt happen a lot) is because they just freaking ARGUE all the time and they keep saying statements that have not a single once of thought behind them. Or wait. I'm wrong maybe they have thoughts behind them, but lets just say that those thoughts are so easily crushable that it is one's right to shred them into sprinkles of snow.