onsdag 12 november 2008

you've made it a competition.. and im WIIINNING! XD

I am amazingly sucky at updating this blog! When I started I was all uber confident like "ooh, ill have like a journal from my life to read when im old!" [stupid cos ive already got 10 diaries and 1 other blog] but then it just all fell apart. But anyway, not that much has been happening. Spent the weekend with IB deserter number one :P We talked, watched movies (or yeah, we TRIED to watch movies.. i dunno if it was cos we'd drunk a little bit of wine but we could NOT get the sound on haha x)) And since then I've taken it easy. Havent studied, talked a lot - so forth. The usual. Tomorrow I've got a bio labreport. Well, fuuck. Its after twelve but I just cant be bothered to start. Am skipping everything but the lab tomorrow so I'll do it in the morning... or something. Whatever. Yeah, my new addiction btw! I've fallen in love with these things called fluor tablets. There my brothers but I keep stealing them. It actually says that you should only have two a day, but fuck that. OMG, I am actually writing about fluor tablets! THAT is how bloody desperate I am too NOT write this labreport. Plus, I'm like banned from facebook so I cant even go onto that and click. If there wasnt msn, I would die right now. Actually I would probably just be sleeping.... Anyway, I'm going to go work. And damn, this is a long entry *claps myself on the back*