måndag 24 november 2008

You know you're better than anyone else

Um. DAMM IT! So, I'm walking home and freezing my arse off and then I start thinking.. OOooh, I'm going to write the most brilliant entry on my blog when I get home. Well, HAHAHAHHAHA. Five hours later I realised I hadnt. So, I decided to write something lame instead. Wiiiie! :D
HAHAH, lol I went downstairs and got some coke and forgot about this.. I can tell a story! :P
So, this morning I wake up (after not having slept anything) I get up lalalala get ready and stuff like that, walk out of the door, and WAAAAAAAAAAM. I fall right into a pile of snow. Now normally I might have noticied something like that, but I've been cooped up all weekend studying.. Or well, more like staring at my books but anyway. So, that was a nice start. Then, I started trudging to school. Snow was pouring in my shoes and the wind was blowing my backwards. But, it was all good. And THEN BAAAAAAAAAAAAM, i fall over onto my butt (this was the first of ten falls...) This woman is walking behind me and she kindly stops and asks if I'm all right. Jeez, I admire her, I would have laughed my arse off... HAHAH, I saw this dude fall when I was walking to Kvarnen and I practically shit myself laughing hahahahhah xD I'm so kind. Lol. Anyway, so then I get to school and get hyper very fast talking to people. Then... TEST hahahah. It was fine, I wrote some random rubbish.. But I finished half an hour early but thought I ought to sit there and chill for a bit. Had just decided to leave but then of course "Nu får ingen lämna salen" hahahah. OMG.. writing about my day is just taking FOREVER! How do those bloggers do it! Well, so yeaaaaah, I ate lunch, went to the libary, left the libary cos I was talking, got home and OMG.. WHO CARES!!!
HAHAHHA, anyway, I'm gonna go study now.... Hmmm
Btw, SNOW IS AWESOME! :D I dont care if I keep on falling it's still AWESOME! God, we better go skiing next year! I freaking LOVE skiing!
Oh, btw I've been randomly getting sick constantly. I think its maybe the fluor tabletters fault! :O Aaah, well, its not like I'm gonna stop eating them.
Now... study...