söndag 30 november 2008

There's only fools love occupying my head

I really crack myself up! Like after Friday and the chem test plus five hour lasergame I was all like "gonna have a chill weekend..." Hmm... well, on Saturday I didnt chill and wait, noo I didnt chill today either... I really stick to my goals =D

So, Saturday HAHAHAHAHHA. It was sooo much fun! First we watched this film and then we drank vodka mixed with something. But of course I'm a total retard who didnt eat anything that whole day which of course meant that I got shitfaced really quickly. Like after having only ONE freaking glass I was already falling all over the place hahaha xD This of course really helped my dancing skills... hehehehe. Anyway... it was freaking FUN =D Then today I was awoken by a text saying "Hey remember shopping spree today" I was like.... FUUUUCK! HAHAHA, nah but it was fine I didnt collapse of tiredness and i FOUND A NEW JACKET!! It's so noticeable! :D Yaay :P .I just got home a couple of hours ago so I'm like sooo tired think I'm gonna have an early night :) (and THIS time I mean it hahaha)