tisdag 2 december 2008

Where I can run just as fast as I can to the middle of nowhere

Msn. Is. Fucking. Killing. Me.
Honestly I havent been able to talk to anyone! And when your typing this really lame [BORING] math portfolio thingy (?!?!?!) then you kind of need the support of normal people... I need to fucking reinstall it or something. Anyway back to something... else... Today I ended so farking early cos swedish was cancelled (HALLELUJA) so I went to a friends house which was nice :D

HAHAHA, read on yahoo today that a swedish kid collapsed from playing wrath of the lion king for 20 consecutive hours... Like... OMG... Seriously I dont get that whole gaming addiction thing. I mean sure I can understand if you play sometimes but to actually sit at a computer in your room for 20 hours.. It's just like please go get a life. Argh whatever I cant think of shit to write. Goodnight.