torsdag 11 december 2008

Are there angels on the moon?

Ok, so yesterday was a totally crap day judging from my previous entry :P Whatever, today was nice. I got a bit crazy though and couldnt stop running around like a drunk. And trust me... Me drunk is a scary thing haha xD Anyway I'm totally fucked cos I found out yesterday that I have to write the chem report. And I'm fucking starting now. Most people in the class (and I'm talking about seriously genius ppl) started two weeks ago and they still havent completed it.. This is making me rather FREAKED OUT! :O I hate doing a crap job and this will definitely fall under that category.

Oh yeah, and during swedish today someone said something about how hitting children was right and then our teacher said that he thought that everyone nowadays considered giving a child a beating as wrong. Well, I actually for once agree with that its not a bad thing. I mean sure if its taken to a level where the kid suffers serious damage then its definitely not acceptable but then again nothing good comes from taking something to far. I mean its called fucking discipline and swedish kids get shit all of that. I dunno, maybe I wouldnt think like this if I hadnt been brought up in England. Because there its not considered to be a bad thing. Corporal punishment isnt that freaking bad. Kids dont understand screams and swearwords I mean a light smack can just help to emphazie the point that is being made. And shit I sound like a total bitch, but I just think that in a reasonable form corporal punishment is a good way to discipline children.

Whatever dunno, how the fuck I got so serious. Just some things about Sweden tick me off. Gosh, I could get into this whole long topic about the lack of discipline in the school systems ect but I'm not going to cos I'm anyway going to be long shot of Sweden in a year :D