onsdag 24 december 2008


Lol was awoken this morning by a thousand "merry xmas" sms:s. I love getting them, it brings out the christmas spirit in me like anything! Plus its cool that people waste their money on shit like that just to you know... spread the love. So, yesterday hahaha, I am such a freaking liar. I was all like ooh imma stay home the whole week and celebrate Christmas. Instead me and a couple of other people went to Storvreta. Didnt get home until after twelve which made my mum pretty outraged since she had no idea where I was.

Received some pretty bad news this morning. Apparently my mum reckons that my brother is way to sick to travel. Which means that he cant come to England on Friday. Which means that I have to fly by myself. Which is a big fucking no. Because just me hanging with my dad's family is going to be pretty fucking dreadful. So adunno if I'm still gonna go. But I REALLY want to. Fuck Fuck FUCK. Am going to try to see if anyone else wants to follow with me, but it is farking difficult cos its the day after xmas and everyone is going to be travelling somewhere else within that period of time. Shit. Life can be a big fucking pain sometimes.