måndag 22 december 2008

Its not my turn

Just got home. Seriously I haven't slept at home for over two weeks xP But its starting to take its toll, I've got a fucking cold again. Now I plan on staying at home until we go to England. Well, except for tomorrow. Might be going to Storvreta then. Not sure if I'll be "frisk" by tomorrow tho. We'll see :D

OMG. A friend sent me this Christmas mix song and I just started listening to it, and holy fucking crap they are all soooo saaaaaaaaaaad! One of them: Without You by Mariah Carey is like a pot of depressingness haha xD

Anyway I'm going to just lie in bed all evening watching series. Dont feel up to going out again today even though I've got a fucking shit load of presents to organize. Time goes way to fucking fast!