onsdag 3 december 2008

It's time to face the truth

IB is seriously killing me! For once in my fucking shitty-schedule world I was supposed to have only two hours in school but of course we have a stupid fucking EE essay shit thing, so I have to wait two hours in school and ok I went shopping but still! Sucks getting home at eight instead of two. I just really want the holidays right now. I'm so fucking tired and sick of school.

Can't wait for the weekend! :D I decided today what colour I'm going to dye my hair and it'll just be dark brown, was going to go for something a bit more "unusual" but I think that plus the red "slingor" will be just fine xD Unfortunately I'll have to miss the service thing I was going to do since we're all sleeping over but whatever I really dont give shit if I fail CAS this term :P

Anyway I think I'm gonna have an early night and go to bed like now. Havent had more than three hours of sleep each day because of different reasons xD

Btw, even though its not really my style of music You're Beautiful by James Blunt is killer sweet :)