måndag 8 december 2008

Do you honestly think I dont know the truth

I'm back! :D Or I got home yesterday evening but was way to tired to write anything then. This weekend was fucking ace! From Friday to Saturday there was the sleepover which was real fun. We were like ten people so it was way crowded but still fun :D I dyed my hair (or Barbie dyed it :P) and cut it. It got way darker than I expected but whatever. It still looks better then before xD

On Saturday we all had to get up at fucking nine to get to town in time for the whole service thing. That was fun as well. I mean it was bloody cold but still hilarious. I got kissed by a dude, proposed to by another guy and this other guy came up and talked to me five fucking times and then he asked for my msn. He was totally hot but I said no anyway. Yes, I'm an idiot xD Anyway we were basically selling hugs for the lonley people.. Haha, I felt like a jackass standing in the middle of the square yelling KRAMAS FÖR DOM ENSAMMA and I kept saying Röda Kroset instead of Korset. I'm such a retard. Anyway nobody else wanted to yell stuff out (since they dont like speaking swedish) so it was all me. I wanted to kill myself after a while. My voice just got too annoying... xP

On Sunday I ... actually I dont really remember what I did :S Anyway that was basically my weekend and I'm fucking amazing for taking the time to write this :D Hmm.. nothing else to say, except ... I'm switching to chem SL. I cant be bothered to work my arse off in chem HL when I can get a seven in chem SL. I dont mind not going to uni directly, I think I'm going to go travelling for a bit anyway. Oh whatever it will work out. The whole planning my life thing didnt really work out for me so I'm just going to focus on getting through IB. But I'm still a science nerd! xD (Edit: What the fuck was I thinking even picking chem!? It can go fuck itself)