lördag 20 december 2008

This rubrik is taking too fuckin long to think up. fuck it.

Home again! Got home yesterday but crashed immediately. Just woke up actually.. fucking tired. Anyway spending the week at exis was a flarious :D Except I didnt eat anything the whole week, so I lost a helluva lotta weight. Whatever tho I always eat tons during xmas so I'll gain it again xD

Man... I really need to chill on the drinking. Got pissed three days this week and passed out once as well. These last couple of weeks have bin insane and I dont fucking remember anything. I have like memory blackouts at random places. Shit. Haha people keep telling me all these things that I supposedly did and I'm just like "whuuuuuuuuuuuut" hehehehe. Am totally angry with Prbsh tho. He cant keep his fuckin mouth shut and all freakin day Thursday I got to hear a lot of bullshit. Probably why I got so wasted in the evening.

Anyway its FREAKING FINALLY CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! And, im going to England in five days! And my grades sucked hahaha, but i got a FIVE in bio so im bloody happy bout that! :D Hihi, my mum had a farking fit when she saw my grades :D Yeah... I did shit bad in english. Oh well, ill try to work next year. Speaking of which I've got two concerts planned!! Coldplay and Franz Ferdinand. Both ace bands, just have to arrange the money.

Was going to go to the cinema with some ppl tonight, but instead I'm just gonna chill a bit. Think we are watching Love Actually so that will be nice. Have got two sleepovers planend as well this week which I need to rest meself up for. OMG, jus realized its my bday in like 23 days :D Dunno, if I'm gonna have a party or not. J was talking about us havin a joint party but I dunno. Whatever I'm totally mind fucked right now, just gonna continue with msn for a bit. Then ... sleep and film :D