fredag 26 december 2008

Oh goodness gracious

I'm so flipping stupid! HAHHAAHAHAH. This morning I wake up and am like shiiit, i havent packed. So, I pack real quickly. Mum's screaming in the background "WE GOTTA GOOOO" I'm like fuck it. So I end up randomly throwing things in the bag. Then I think to myself.. Hmmm... I'm rather thirsty so I go downstairs and start drinking out of a bottle with an apple on the front. SRHFSDJKFHKJSA I immediately spit it out cos it tastes like freaking VINEGAR! I rush to my dear mother who informs me that it was APPLE VINEGAR! Who the fuck puts a picture of an apple of a vinegar bottle. Us retards who dont understand german might mistake it for apple juice. So now I stink like vingear. Lets hope that people on planes like the strong odor of stinky bleeding vinegar! :D Hihihihihihihi.

Gosh im crazy right now. I think I freaked out one of my friends on msn yesterday I went out of control and changed everything he said into random shit that got me laughing like anything and him wondering whether he should force me to enroll in a mental hospital! HAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA xD

Oooh dear! Gotta go fly to England now. Cieaorio dear Sweden I will miss you! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!