fredag 26 december 2008

Oh goodness gracious

I'm so flipping stupid! HAHHAAHAHAH. This morning I wake up and am like shiiit, i havent packed. So, I pack real quickly. Mum's screaming in the background "WE GOTTA GOOOO" I'm like fuck it. So I end up randomly throwing things in the bag. Then I think to myself.. Hmmm... I'm rather thirsty so I go downstairs and start drinking out of a bottle with an apple on the front. SRHFSDJKFHKJSA I immediately spit it out cos it tastes like freaking VINEGAR! I rush to my dear mother who informs me that it was APPLE VINEGAR! Who the fuck puts a picture of an apple of a vinegar bottle. Us retards who dont understand german might mistake it for apple juice. So now I stink like vingear. Lets hope that people on planes like the strong odor of stinky bleeding vinegar! :D Hihihihihihihi.

Gosh im crazy right now. I think I freaked out one of my friends on msn yesterday I went out of control and changed everything he said into random shit that got me laughing like anything and him wondering whether he should force me to enroll in a mental hospital! HAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA xD

Oooh dear! Gotta go fly to England now. Cieaorio dear Sweden I will miss you! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

torsdag 25 december 2008

Why the fuck can I never have a Christmas thats drama free

God, Christmas kinda sucks nowadays. Looks like I'll be spending the rest of the evening in front of the computer watching TV shows. My parents need to fucking CHILL with the drama. It's driving me insaaaaane! So I guess I'm flying to England tomorrow by myself. And I guess I'll be finding the airport by myself as well. Oh well, thats all completely fucking fine. Arseholes.

onsdag 24 december 2008


Lol was awoken this morning by a thousand "merry xmas" sms:s. I love getting them, it brings out the christmas spirit in me like anything! Plus its cool that people waste their money on shit like that just to you know... spread the love. So, yesterday hahaha, I am such a freaking liar. I was all like ooh imma stay home the whole week and celebrate Christmas. Instead me and a couple of other people went to Storvreta. Didnt get home until after twelve which made my mum pretty outraged since she had no idea where I was.

Received some pretty bad news this morning. Apparently my mum reckons that my brother is way to sick to travel. Which means that he cant come to England on Friday. Which means that I have to fly by myself. Which is a big fucking no. Because just me hanging with my dad's family is going to be pretty fucking dreadful. So adunno if I'm still gonna go. But I REALLY want to. Fuck Fuck FUCK. Am going to try to see if anyone else wants to follow with me, but it is farking difficult cos its the day after xmas and everyone is going to be travelling somewhere else within that period of time. Shit. Life can be a big fucking pain sometimes.

måndag 22 december 2008

Broken Strings

Shit I feel like shit. My throat is killing me and there is no fuckin medicine in the house.
I'm gonna flip soon ****!!!

Broken Strings - James Morrison

Its not my turn

Just got home. Seriously I haven't slept at home for over two weeks xP But its starting to take its toll, I've got a fucking cold again. Now I plan on staying at home until we go to England. Well, except for tomorrow. Might be going to Storvreta then. Not sure if I'll be "frisk" by tomorrow tho. We'll see :D

OMG. A friend sent me this Christmas mix song and I just started listening to it, and holy fucking crap they are all soooo saaaaaaaaaaad! One of them: Without You by Mariah Carey is like a pot of depressingness haha xD

Anyway I'm going to just lie in bed all evening watching series. Dont feel up to going out again today even though I've got a fucking shit load of presents to organize. Time goes way to fucking fast!

lördag 20 december 2008

This rubrik is taking too fuckin long to think up. fuck it.

Home again! Got home yesterday but crashed immediately. Just woke up actually.. fucking tired. Anyway spending the week at exis was a flarious :D Except I didnt eat anything the whole week, so I lost a helluva lotta weight. Whatever tho I always eat tons during xmas so I'll gain it again xD

Man... I really need to chill on the drinking. Got pissed three days this week and passed out once as well. These last couple of weeks have bin insane and I dont fucking remember anything. I have like memory blackouts at random places. Shit. Haha people keep telling me all these things that I supposedly did and I'm just like "whuuuuuuuuuuuut" hehehehe. Am totally angry with Prbsh tho. He cant keep his fuckin mouth shut and all freakin day Thursday I got to hear a lot of bullshit. Probably why I got so wasted in the evening.

Anyway its FREAKING FINALLY CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! And, im going to England in five days! And my grades sucked hahaha, but i got a FIVE in bio so im bloody happy bout that! :D Hihi, my mum had a farking fit when she saw my grades :D Yeah... I did shit bad in english. Oh well, ill try to work next year. Speaking of which I've got two concerts planned!! Coldplay and Franz Ferdinand. Both ace bands, just have to arrange the money.

Was going to go to the cinema with some ppl tonight, but instead I'm just gonna chill a bit. Think we are watching Love Actually so that will be nice. Have got two sleepovers planend as well this week which I need to rest meself up for. OMG, jus realized its my bday in like 23 days :D Dunno, if I'm gonna have a party or not. J was talking about us havin a joint party but I dunno. Whatever I'm totally mind fucked right now, just gonna continue with msn for a bit. Then ... sleep and film :D

måndag 15 december 2008

I'm tripping on words

Shit, I've got so much crap to do for tomorrow, its unbelievable! I went over to Julia's house for a bit as well, so now I'm fucking knee deep in stuff to do!

söndag 14 december 2008

How could this be done, by such a smiling sweetheart?

Brilliant weekend. Tired now though. Have lit candles that are sitting in the window. This week is going to be strange. Last week in Sweden this year actually. Plus a few days. Not sure what I feel about going to the UK. Might not though now that Henrik is sick. Found the most amazing voice on youtube. Not only is it a shiver-down-my-spine voice but it also covers some of my favorite songs.

The Voice and a brilliant song.

lördag 13 december 2008

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

Bloody long day. Walked round in town for four farking hours and found shit. Was extremely jealous when everyone else got a ride home from their parents whilst I had to struggle through the rain and snow. Why cant the effing snow come some time soon? Some music ought to brighten everything up! :P

Major summer memories

Hottest scene [with best music] from the Twilight movie

torsdag 11 december 2008

It's just too fucking hilarious, and you're just so fucking not hilarious

To amuse myself I looked up pictures on google. This one here made me freaking shit myself laughing (and no... i dont mean that literally)

Are there angels on the moon?

Ok, so yesterday was a totally crap day judging from my previous entry :P Whatever, today was nice. I got a bit crazy though and couldnt stop running around like a drunk. And trust me... Me drunk is a scary thing haha xD Anyway I'm totally fucked cos I found out yesterday that I have to write the chem report. And I'm fucking starting now. Most people in the class (and I'm talking about seriously genius ppl) started two weeks ago and they still havent completed it.. This is making me rather FREAKED OUT! :O I hate doing a crap job and this will definitely fall under that category.

Oh yeah, and during swedish today someone said something about how hitting children was right and then our teacher said that he thought that everyone nowadays considered giving a child a beating as wrong. Well, I actually for once agree with that its not a bad thing. I mean sure if its taken to a level where the kid suffers serious damage then its definitely not acceptable but then again nothing good comes from taking something to far. I mean its called fucking discipline and swedish kids get shit all of that. I dunno, maybe I wouldnt think like this if I hadnt been brought up in England. Because there its not considered to be a bad thing. Corporal punishment isnt that freaking bad. Kids dont understand screams and swearwords I mean a light smack can just help to emphazie the point that is being made. And shit I sound like a total bitch, but I just think that in a reasonable form corporal punishment is a good way to discipline children.

Whatever dunno, how the fuck I got so serious. Just some things about Sweden tick me off. Gosh, I could get into this whole long topic about the lack of discipline in the school systems ect but I'm not going to cos I'm anyway going to be long shot of Sweden in a year :D

onsdag 10 december 2008

Sorry I cant be fucking perfect

Fucking hell. Parents are a big fat pain in the farking arse. God, my mums just never freaking happy. She was whining at me today like anything, said my grades are so bad because I party too much! Yeah.. AS FUCKING IF! God, I cant get a fucking 7 in everything. She also kept going on about the fact that I'm never home these days. Fuck, I cant deal I just honestly dont give a shit. And, I hate writing personal stuff on blogs but I just really need to type it out. FUCKING SHIT!

måndag 8 december 2008

All I want for christmas is you

Hell yeah! So the whole studying thing didnt work out for me. Instead I found a site where they have all episodes of Jackass which makes me very happy. That and the fact that I've got coke next to me makes today a very nice day!

HAHAHAHAHA I love the beginning of Jackass when they babble on about how you should not try these stunts at home. Like OMG, what a shame I really felt like sticking my arse in a beehive today!

Do you honestly think I dont know the truth

I'm back! :D Or I got home yesterday evening but was way to tired to write anything then. This weekend was fucking ace! From Friday to Saturday there was the sleepover which was real fun. We were like ten people so it was way crowded but still fun :D I dyed my hair (or Barbie dyed it :P) and cut it. It got way darker than I expected but whatever. It still looks better then before xD

On Saturday we all had to get up at fucking nine to get to town in time for the whole service thing. That was fun as well. I mean it was bloody cold but still hilarious. I got kissed by a dude, proposed to by another guy and this other guy came up and talked to me five fucking times and then he asked for my msn. He was totally hot but I said no anyway. Yes, I'm an idiot xD Anyway we were basically selling hugs for the lonley people.. Haha, I felt like a jackass standing in the middle of the square yelling KRAMAS FÖR DOM ENSAMMA and I kept saying Röda Kroset instead of Korset. I'm such a retard. Anyway nobody else wanted to yell stuff out (since they dont like speaking swedish) so it was all me. I wanted to kill myself after a while. My voice just got too annoying... xP

On Sunday I ... actually I dont really remember what I did :S Anyway that was basically my weekend and I'm fucking amazing for taking the time to write this :D Hmm.. nothing else to say, except ... I'm switching to chem SL. I cant be bothered to work my arse off in chem HL when I can get a seven in chem SL. I dont mind not going to uni directly, I think I'm going to go travelling for a bit anyway. Oh whatever it will work out. The whole planning my life thing didnt really work out for me so I'm just going to focus on getting through IB. But I'm still a science nerd! xD (Edit: What the fuck was I thinking even picking chem!? It can go fuck itself)

torsdag 4 december 2008

I'll be burning streets and you'll be kissing my ass

HAHAHA! This week has been pretty extreme. I wrote two entries where I said that I wanted to kill something... Scary :) *evil smile* Oh well, everythings better now. I've figured out that the way to get through IB is to not care. Because otherwise I just start panicking about everything I have to accomplish in my life and then I hit rock bottom real fast. It's just to chill. Life's so farking short and I am not going to spend it worrying about the future. Besides walking into doors and laughing every embarrasing moment off is way better than sitting at home studying chemistry.

So its finally weekend! Or it will be in like 25 hours or something. Friday to Saturday I'm sleeping over at Exi's with a bunch of other people and we're all going change our hair :D And then on Saturday I'll be hugging people in town *cough* service *cough* And then on Sunday something extremely fun is going to happen :D Cant waaaaaaaaiiiit for school to end this week!!! :D Anyway I wont be back to write on the blogg till Monday but until then lets hope I dont end up lying completely wasted on some park bench ;D

One last thing: Live fucking life!!!!!! Dont be scared to do anything! :D Cos in the end who really gives a shit x)

onsdag 3 december 2008

It's time to face the truth

IB is seriously killing me! For once in my fucking shitty-schedule world I was supposed to have only two hours in school but of course we have a stupid fucking EE essay shit thing, so I have to wait two hours in school and ok I went shopping but still! Sucks getting home at eight instead of two. I just really want the holidays right now. I'm so fucking tired and sick of school.

Can't wait for the weekend! :D I decided today what colour I'm going to dye my hair and it'll just be dark brown, was going to go for something a bit more "unusual" but I think that plus the red "slingor" will be just fine xD Unfortunately I'll have to miss the service thing I was going to do since we're all sleeping over but whatever I really dont give shit if I fail CAS this term :P

Anyway I think I'm gonna have an early night and go to bed like now. Havent had more than three hours of sleep each day because of different reasons xD

Btw, even though its not really my style of music You're Beautiful by James Blunt is killer sweet :)

tisdag 2 december 2008

Where I can run just as fast as I can to the middle of nowhere

Msn. Is. Fucking. Killing. Me.
Honestly I havent been able to talk to anyone! And when your typing this really lame [BORING] math portfolio thingy (?!?!?!) then you kind of need the support of normal people... I need to fucking reinstall it or something. Anyway back to something... else... Today I ended so farking early cos swedish was cancelled (HALLELUJA) so I went to a friends house which was nice :D

HAHAHA, read on yahoo today that a swedish kid collapsed from playing wrath of the lion king for 20 consecutive hours... Like... OMG... Seriously I dont get that whole gaming addiction thing. I mean sure I can understand if you play sometimes but to actually sit at a computer in your room for 20 hours.. It's just like please go get a life. Argh whatever I cant think of shit to write. Goodnight.

söndag 30 november 2008

There's only fools love occupying my head

I really crack myself up! Like after Friday and the chem test plus five hour lasergame I was all like "gonna have a chill weekend..." Hmm... well, on Saturday I didnt chill and wait, noo I didnt chill today either... I really stick to my goals =D

So, Saturday HAHAHAHAHHA. It was sooo much fun! First we watched this film and then we drank vodka mixed with something. But of course I'm a total retard who didnt eat anything that whole day which of course meant that I got shitfaced really quickly. Like after having only ONE freaking glass I was already falling all over the place hahaha xD This of course really helped my dancing skills... hehehehe. Anyway... it was freaking FUN =D Then today I was awoken by a text saying "Hey remember shopping spree today" I was like.... FUUUUCK! HAHAHA, nah but it was fine I didnt collapse of tiredness and i FOUND A NEW JACKET!! It's so noticeable! :D Yaay :P .I just got home a couple of hours ago so I'm like sooo tired think I'm gonna have an early night :) (and THIS time I mean it hahaha)

lördag 29 november 2008

Supermassive BLACK HOOOOLE!

HAHAHAHA, I just woke up lol :P Testweek was exhausting and then i went directly to play lasergame for five hours.. it was fun tho :D Anyway, now i can finally chiiiiillll.. except i need to find a present for my secret santa! and.... i need more money, I got freaking ROBBED on the train back from sthlm the woman made me pay freaking 140 KRS... for an effing ticket! Hate.. Hate... Oh, well I'll be getting an extra 800 in four days! :D
AAAAAAAAAAAAH! It feels seriously strange... its weekend and for once ive got nothing planned... i am SOO not the person that can handle doing nothing.. soo boring! Well, next weekend I'm having an OC marathon which will be fuuun :D And then OMG.. there is so much stuff planned! :O I'm also going to redye my hair :D Am so fucking sick of the orange shit thats under it all :P This time Matilda and Barbie will also dye their hair and hopefully we'll end up with nicer hair then when Petra and I did it hahha xD
Ok... I'm going to go call sum friends, I need to get out of my room xD

Oh and yeah... The entry below. Ignore it.

onsdag 26 november 2008

How does that person just make me want to blow something up *angry*

OBS: This was written in a fucking-sick-of-math mode.
Honestly do you know what pisses me off. When somebody thinks that they GET you. As in they think that they've figured you out. Basically because thats an utter pile of rubbish. Maybe that person should take their head out of their largely shitfilled arse and actually notice something clever once in a while. I mean... for the LOVE OF GOD! When someone is told their whole life that they need to be more serious and stop joking around and then BAM, is told by some "random" dude that they need to joke a bit more, then just ARGH! I dont fucking care if anyone reads this, it just pisses me off. And I dont usually get pissed off. Just people thinking they've sussed me out when all they've sussed out is a pile of shit make me mad. Oh and another thing maybe the reason I act serious around somebody (and yeah it doesnt happen a lot) is because they just freaking ARGUE all the time and they keep saying statements that have not a single once of thought behind them. Or wait. I'm wrong maybe they have thoughts behind them, but lets just say that those thoughts are so easily crushable that it is one's right to shred them into sprinkles of snow.

the ending

My printer just died.

Cant stop. Listening. So addictive. Yeah.

ARGH! I signed up to work at Öppet Hus. Well, fuck xD Its gonna be soo lame PLUS ive got a freaking math test AND a pyschology test AND a chemistry test coming up. Fuck school.
Btw... ever wondered what talent looks like? This is it:

Cant add the fucking video. -_-

tisdag 25 november 2008


Sjuk. Måste gå till skolan. Klockan är tio. Jag vill ha bacon.

HAHAHHA! talking to people on msn about english breakfast. I WANT BAKED BEANS, EGGS, SAUSAGES, AND BACON!!! ARGH 20 days left till i get to taste the real thing xD

måndag 24 november 2008

You know you're better than anyone else

Um. DAMM IT! So, I'm walking home and freezing my arse off and then I start thinking.. OOooh, I'm going to write the most brilliant entry on my blog when I get home. Well, HAHAHAHHAHA. Five hours later I realised I hadnt. So, I decided to write something lame instead. Wiiiie! :D
HAHAH, lol I went downstairs and got some coke and forgot about this.. I can tell a story! :P
So, this morning I wake up (after not having slept anything) I get up lalalala get ready and stuff like that, walk out of the door, and WAAAAAAAAAAM. I fall right into a pile of snow. Now normally I might have noticied something like that, but I've been cooped up all weekend studying.. Or well, more like staring at my books but anyway. So, that was a nice start. Then, I started trudging to school. Snow was pouring in my shoes and the wind was blowing my backwards. But, it was all good. And THEN BAAAAAAAAAAAAM, i fall over onto my butt (this was the first of ten falls...) This woman is walking behind me and she kindly stops and asks if I'm all right. Jeez, I admire her, I would have laughed my arse off... HAHAH, I saw this dude fall when I was walking to Kvarnen and I practically shit myself laughing hahahahhah xD I'm so kind. Lol. Anyway, so then I get to school and get hyper very fast talking to people. Then... TEST hahahah. It was fine, I wrote some random rubbish.. But I finished half an hour early but thought I ought to sit there and chill for a bit. Had just decided to leave but then of course "Nu får ingen lämna salen" hahahah. OMG.. writing about my day is just taking FOREVER! How do those bloggers do it! Well, so yeaaaaah, I ate lunch, went to the libary, left the libary cos I was talking, got home and OMG.. WHO CARES!!!
HAHAHHA, anyway, I'm gonna go study now.... Hmmm
Btw, SNOW IS AWESOME! :D I dont care if I keep on falling it's still AWESOME! God, we better go skiing next year! I freaking LOVE skiing!
Oh, btw I've been randomly getting sick constantly. I think its maybe the fluor tabletters fault! :O Aaah, well, its not like I'm gonna stop eating them.
Now... study...

lördag 22 november 2008

Some Mad Hope

Well, test week is next week. HAHAHAHA, Im not studying.. Instead I'm talking on msn. God, I love school :D
Well, it WAS FUCKING ACE!! Honestly.. And, I couldnt believe it! MY FAVORITE MUSE SONG WAS IN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking hell. Edward, Emmet and Jaspar are the sexiest most perfect people ALIVE! AAAAAAAAH!!
Hahahahaha, anyway, I've gotta get back to studying (read: msning)
Time: 22:27

onsdag 19 november 2008

Hittade den här på en random blogg.. Kommer inte ihåg vart bara hahahaha.. Jag garva ihjäl mig ! :P

"Har vi inte träffats förut?"
Kvinna: "Mycket möjligt. Jag är receptionisten på könssjukdomsmottagningen."


Man: "Har jag inte träffat dig nånstans förut?"
Kvinna: "Jodå, det är därför jag inte går dit längre."


Man: "Är den här stolen ledig?"
Kvinna: "Jodå, och om du sätter dig blir den här också ledig."

Man: "Vill du hänga med mig hem?"
Kvinna: "Vet inte. Får två människor plats under en sten?"


Man: "Hem till dig eller mig?"
Kvinna: "Vi kan väl kompromissa. Du går hem till dig, jag går hem till mig."

Man: "Jag skulle vilja ringa dig. Vad har du för nummer?
Kvinna: "Det står i telefonkatalogen."

Man: "Men jag vet inte vad du heter."
Kvinna: "Det står också i telefonkatalogen."

Man: "Så vad arbetar du som?"
Kvinna: "Jag klär ut mig till kvinna och uppträder."


Man: "Vad har du för stjärntecken?"
Kvinna: "Det som går sämst ihop med ditt."

Man: "Hur vill du ha dina ägg på morgonen?"
Kvinna: "Obefruktade."

Man: "Kom igen nu. Vi är ju på puben av samma orsak!"
Kvinna: "Du har rätt. Nu raggar vi brudar!"


Man: "Jag är snäll mot kvinnor."
Kvinna: "Bra. Var då snäll och gå härifrån."

Man: "Jag vill ge dig mig själv."
Kvinna: "Tack, men jag tar inte emot billiga presenter."


Man: "Om jag fick se dig naken skulle jag dö lycklig."
Kvinna: "Och om jag fick se dig naken skulle jag nog dö av skratt."

Man: "Din kropp är som ett tempel."
Kvinna: "Ledsen, idag är det inga gudstjänster."

Man: "Jag går igenom vad som helst för dig."
Kvinna: "Bra! Vi börjar med ditt bankkonto."


Man: "Jag skulle gå till världens ände för dig."
Kvinna: "Det är bra, men skulle du stanna där?"

OMG... Thursday is gonna be shitintense duuude

Asså typ hoodlydoodly! Tomorrow's gonna be MAAAAAAAAAAAD. I have like a shiiitload of things to do!
- TWILIGHT PREMIER!! HELL YEAH!!!! OMG.. in the beginning I wanted to kill Robert Pattinson for playing the most attractive man in the whole world. Cos like he isnt that hot. OR SO I THOUGHT! Now, I am completely and utterley in love with the guy! Ok.. not really in love. But DAAAAJM he is HOT!
- Service thingy... A.k.a some religious food thingy which is from freaking 18-19.
- Pei's sleeping over :D
- Math tutoring thingy
And like on top of all that I have to study for test week. HAHAHHAHAHAHAH :D It's all good. Now I gotta go back to msn.. I'm planning to go to South Africa next summer.. Along with England, Skåne, Tyresö, Crete um yeah.. It'll work :D

måndag 17 november 2008


So, yeah the biggest question of them all. Should I skip swedish tomorrow or not? Actually hahaha who am I trying to kid. I always skip swedish on Tuesdays xD
Test week is coming closer. Which is like... fuck. Must start studying. Will do that now. Actually no... sleeeeeeeep *droolslikehomer*

söndag 16 november 2008

So addictive

This song is so fucking addictive.

You're hot and you're cold

Home again :) Have been away the whole weekend. Was supposed to study but I ended up just reading Dorian Gray, have this speech on it tomoro. In the beginning (before i read the book) i thought it was crap, but in the end i fucking loved it xD
Oh, and I watched Snatch with T and P and it was brilliant! Haha, they've been trying to make me watch it for a loong time and I've always refused. Stupid of me :P
So, yeah I gotta go write some psychology essay :/

onsdag 12 november 2008


Sleeping only two hours makes you feel surprisingly hyper.

Why do I laugh at all the wrong things.

OMG! Am I evil? Cos I laughed my freaking ARSE off when I read this article!

On Monday, a woman in Brazil died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident caused her husband's coffin to fly at her neck.

According to a new report, the woman, 67-year old Marciana Silva Barcelos, was in the front passenger seat of the hearse carrying her husband's coffin.

She died instantly.

Marciana's 76-year-old husband, Josi, died Sunday of a heart attack while dancing at a party.

I'm really sorry. But HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you've made it a competition.. and im WIIINNING! XD

I am amazingly sucky at updating this blog! When I started I was all uber confident like "ooh, ill have like a journal from my life to read when im old!" [stupid cos ive already got 10 diaries and 1 other blog] but then it just all fell apart. But anyway, not that much has been happening. Spent the weekend with IB deserter number one :P We talked, watched movies (or yeah, we TRIED to watch movies.. i dunno if it was cos we'd drunk a little bit of wine but we could NOT get the sound on haha x)) And since then I've taken it easy. Havent studied, talked a lot - so forth. The usual. Tomorrow I've got a bio labreport. Well, fuuck. Its after twelve but I just cant be bothered to start. Am skipping everything but the lab tomorrow so I'll do it in the morning... or something. Whatever. Yeah, my new addiction btw! I've fallen in love with these things called fluor tablets. There my brothers but I keep stealing them. It actually says that you should only have two a day, but fuck that. OMG, I am actually writing about fluor tablets! THAT is how bloody desperate I am too NOT write this labreport. Plus, I'm like banned from facebook so I cant even go onto that and click. If there wasnt msn, I would die right now. Actually I would probably just be sleeping.... Anyway, I'm going to go work. And damn, this is a long entry *claps myself on the back*

fredag 7 november 2008

The Voice Within

Finally weekend! Am going to Storvreta tomorrow but I'll be back on Sunday to write that farking bloody shitty TOK essay.

49 Days till England! =)

torsdag 6 november 2008

Must Sleep. Kill alarmclock.

Of course my fucking alarm clock didnt ring this morning. Which meant I missed chemistry. Thats going to be fun to catch up on... Fuck.

tisdag 4 november 2008

I know you cant buy it in bottles

School has started again. Miss fall break. Want snow.

söndag 2 november 2008

diatomic molecules - who cares?

HAHAHA! Hittade en video på Zebrahead när dom fick hela publiken att säga fuck. Njut.

Save You

Skrev om konserten på min andra blogg istället x) Shit jag borde verkligen plugga men jag orkar fan inte. Är fast i någon drömvärld och vill inte komma tillbaka till verkligheten!
Oooh hittade några videos på youtube från konserten. Kan bara lägga in en eftersom jag inte fattar jävla blogspot. Thank god for liksom.

Bästa låten:

And I want it and I need it im addicted to you

Kom nyss hem! :D
Var på Simple Plan konserten i Fredags. Jag kan inte beskriva det i ord. Lugnt en av dom bästa kvällarna i mitt liv. Hade aldrig lyssnat på dom förut så jag hade inte direkt några förväntningar. Men jävlar va bra dom va!! Och Zebrahead. Det märktes att dom älskar att stå på scen! Bäst var det när dom fick hela publiken att skrika fuck gång på gång. Köpte en massa skit efter konserten så jag är helt jävla pank nu. Men det var värt det (trots att jag inte får mer pengar på en hel månad...) Kom inte hem till P förrän fyra och somnade inte förrän sex så jag var grymt trött dagen efter. E typ fortfarande trött x)
Oh fuck. Nu måste jag gå och börja min jävla uppsats. Hatar skolan.

Klockan just nu: 19:29

torsdag 30 oktober 2008

You've used up all your coupons

Henrik ska ha fest här när jag är i Stockholm. Mitt rum kommer bli helt trashat! Nu måste jag gå och sova ska upp tidigt imorgon och hämta ut pengar för helgen. Kommer bli så jävla kul! =D
Förresten så är klockan under inläggen helt jävla fel. Tiden just nu är 23:27.

Early. Way too Early.

There must be something wrong with me! I just woke up. Its freaking almost 16:00 and I just got up... I used to be the type of kid that always jumped up at six o clock in the morning and then ran downstairs and watched teletubbies. That of course was a few years back but still what the fuck went wrong? Now I always get up after two in the afternoon. Linda is seriously going to kill me. I told her I would call after lunch. I really really doubt that people still are eating at this time. HAHAHA I love this video!

onsdag 29 oktober 2008

That's not my name

Am getting really annoyed with my computer. It's refusing to print out my tickets for England. Sure I'm not going until December but its still annoying! Plus how the heck am I going to print out the tickets for the concert which is the day after tomorrow. Aaah I'll have to figure something out.
Tomorrow I'm going to fika with Linda which should be fun :D I kinda want to go see a film but yeah... until Friday I'm sorta broke :) Plus I think I've seen every new movie, apart from this documentary about orphanages which sounds depressing ;p Then on Friday there is the concert and then during the weekend I'm celebrating Petra's birthday... Ok.. SHIT, when the fuck am I going to do my homework hehe :p

Procrastinaters unite!... tomorrow

NOOOO! I just wrote this brilliant long entry and then it got DELETED! :O I am soo not writing it over again!
Basically I wrote how downloading music is awesome but that they almost never put up the real good songs. Take for example
The Chakras. I loove their music but can only listen to them on either youtube or myspace. It's ridiculous how songs like I'm Yours give you a million hits whilst the real good one's arent even put up! And its not as if you can buy the albums, the music stores in Uppsala dont even have KONK!? I mean... come ON! Well, I guess that's the price you have to pay for living here :p

A New Blog?

Thought I would try to make a new blog. This one's on a different website so I have no idea how to alter the design. Oh well, Ill figure it out soon :D Anyway the first entry on a blog is rarely any intresting so I might as well stop typing and try to find the publish button :D
...Which is right under this little box xD